Data security comes first – We'll never sell or share your data. For more details, here’s our Privacy Policy
Select an image from your computer, or just drag and drop into the upload box.
Our online converter automatically recognizes content in your image and extracts text from it.
Download your converted TXT file within seconds. No signup required.
We are impressed with the intelligence in the product when it comes to data extraction. This opens up for many new areas where we can help our customers, like detection of fraud. We have been having a tight and transparent dialogue with Nanonets. Our customers are very pleased with the product as well as the technical support we together with Nanonets have been able to provide.
Per Defalva
Founder, DigitalEngine (Sweden), ex-CIO PwC Sweden
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Once you create your account, click on My Account > API Keys to get your key. This key will allow you to authenticate API requests.
Data security always comes first – we'll never sell or share your data. For more details, here’s our Privacy Policy.
Nanonets converters are completely free-to-use. Nanonets offers a range of capabilities to automate data capture from invoices, receipts, and other common document workflows. Check out for more.