Monthly subscription fee
No subscription fee
Cost per page
Included pages
10,000 pages per month
Workflow step executions
$0.05/step execution
Auto-import from email
Tables or line items
Teams feature
Checkbox detection
Document classification
Signature detection
QR code detection
Custom response
Custom integrations
Guaranteed SLAs
Email support
1-1 Dedicated support
Self-serve setup
Self-serve setup
Nanonets setup
Starter Plan - No monthly subscription required. The model will be billed only based on number pages processed at $0.3/Page.
Pro Plan - A minimum monthly subscription of $999 is charged per model. This includes 10,000 pages. Additional pages cost $0.1/Page.
Enterprise Plan - The prices on the Enterprise plan are completely custom and reduce with higher volumes.
We simply find the total number of pages processed. If you upload 1 PDF file with 5 pages, you will be charged for 5 pages. If you upload 5 PDFs with 1 page each, you will still be charged for 5 pages.
The Starter Plan will permit you to use 3 Starter Workflows at most.
Artificial Intelligence really is intelligent but like us, it needs to see a few examples of the kind of work it has to do before it can do it to perfection. Image Labelling or Annotation is simply the process of labelling different items on the image and specifying what type of item it is so that the AI can learn more about it. On the Nanonets platform, we have provided a simple UI for this - all you have to do is draw a box over the item just the way you draw a box with your mouse when selecting multiple folders on your computer, and then select the item type from a dropdown menu.
A workflow step refers to a block set up within the workflows section of your model. These steps can include imports, data actions, approvals, or exports. For instance, if you configure a Google Drive import that brings in 500 files, it would result in 500 step executions. Similarly, if you use a data action block to remove characters and upload 22 files, each consisting of 3 pages, it would amount to 66 step executions.
Simply multiply the overage charges per page for your plan by the number of pages you processed in excess. For example, on the Plus plan, if you processed 1000 pages extra, with overage charge per page being $0.1, you will be charged $0.1 * 1000 = $100 on top of your plan’s payment.